Graham Road Elementary Partnership

Holy Trinity supports our neighborhood Title 1 school, Graham Road Elementary, with various drives and volunteer opportunities during the year. Read about a few of our regular programs below.


Winter Clothing Drive

Due to the freezing temperatures, winter items in the Graham Road Elementary boutique have been claimed quickly and are in short supply for students and families in need. They have asked for our help to restock basic clothing and winter items, as well as collect winter jackets of any kind for Pre-K (size 4T) to 6th graders (size 18). Items can be shipped via Amazon or dropped off at our church.


Student Tutoring

Holy Trinity has a dedicated team of volunteers who helped develop and now support a tutoring program at Graham Road Elementary School, which has many students from immigrant and low-income families. This is a great opportunity for people who have availability during school hours. You can volunteer for as many hours as you have time, and training is provided. Contact the office at to volunteer.


Backpack Donation Drive

As the start of the school year approaches, Holy Trinity typically hosts a backpack drive for Graham Road Elementary. Members and other community bring new backpacks and school supplies to our altar, building a wonderful donation pile to pass on to the school for distribution.


Christmas Gifts

Holidays can be particularly difficult for low-income families. To bring a little more joy to a few local households, we partner with Graham Road Elementary to identify parents who may need a little assistance in purchasing gifts for their youth. Holy Trinity members collect listed gift items or donate gift cards so presents can be purchased and wrapped for the Graham Road families.


Book Distribution

Every fall, we partner with Graham Road Elementary to distribute over 400 donated books to their students. Each child receives a free book to take home for the summer. We invite Holy Trinity members to join us in reading these books to the students in their classrooms. It's a wonderful opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of young readers.