Peace in the Storm

In these tumultuous times, may we trust in God as we process our loss, upheaval, grief and pain. May we trust that God is present with us, working to make all things new. Let’s take time to listen and notice the signs of hope and God’s presence in the world and people around us: the beauty of the sunset, the vibrant colors of the leaves falling to the ground, the sound of children laughing in our neighborhood, the song of the birds outside our window.

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The Garden

The garden is the place of God’s creative activity. In the garden we come to appreciate not only the divine lifecycle of seed to fruit, but also the interdependence that animals play to plant life. In a western cosmogony, it is incorrect to assume humanity is the pinnacle of creation because of its placement in the completed garden. Rather, the culmination of the creative divine efforts is the Sabbath - the intentional resting with observation of the creative work.

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Sharing God's Divine Food

The challenge is not to be complacent. Just because we are served and have our food does mean we get to sit back and enjoy it all to ourselves. We need to be reminded the food is not just for us. The calling therefore is to be motivated distributors of this divine food as often as possible. To be the ones who take down the walls that prevent others from getting enough to eat or the care they deserve.

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Be Still & Know

Rest seems like a luxury that only a few can afford and it can even sometimes be seen as a shameful transgression in our go-go-go society where busyness and exhaustion are worn as badges of honor. But we’re told that rest is what Jesus instructs the disciples (and us) to do. Be Still and Know that I am God. This is our invitation and command from God…To stop and listen to the God we are called to serve to see what that God actually wants us to do and be in this place and time, to stop and trust in God instead of our own wisdom and guidance.

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The Best Way to Destroy Your Enemies

It’s a human thing to struggle with love for those we do not know or like. In scripture, we often lose sight of the fact that Jesus is not only fully divine, he is also fully human. And as fully human, He would have had the human proclivity to see the world in terms of insiders and outsiders, friends and enemies. But Jesus didn’t just teach this love of neighbor, he lived it, concretely, healing and breaking bread with those he met, even those considered outsiders and enemies.

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