Holy Trinity hosted a blood drive on June 23rd, with coordination from an amazing Red Cross team
Read MoreAs one of our Mission Endowment Fund recipients, Graham Road Elementary School received 450 books - one for every student!
Read MoreLove is the central ingredient of all relationships. But if God loves us for who we are, why do we tend to be our worst critics? In order to be in a loving relationship with others, we need to love ourselves first.
Read MoreYou have heard the expression "It feels like I have the world on my shoulders." Imagine having the world and heaven on your shoulders. That is what is going on for the Matthew community. Martin Luther knew the creeds, the scriptures and the feeling of faith-based pressure. Luther felt inadequate and unable to live up to God's expectations, a feeling probably very similar to Matthew's church members. Then he came to a realization…
Read MoreThree families of Graham Road Elementary School students received Christmas gifts from Holy Trinity members this past holiday season.
Read MoreIn her recent sermon, Vicar Allison Vincent-Beckman explores the story of the two women who came to King Solomon in a state of hurt, looking for a solution. She attributes names and extrapolates stories by which to try to understand them better and thereby understand why they acted and reacted as they did. One woman is sanctified by her willingness to sacrifice while the other remains hurt and lost. But both are alone, failed by their community. It is a reminder that “we have a responsibility to speak up for the widow, the orphan, and the alien in our land.”
Read MoreMembers and friends of Holy Trinity gathered enough personal care item donations to build 147 care kits to send to Ukrainian refugees.
Read MoreREI (Racial Equity Initiative) member, Judith Baker shares two stories of the racism she witnessed in her life, growing up in Augusta, Georgia.
Read MoreThe roads through the atlas of our hearts are windy and rough as we navigate through difficult emotions. We first take a look at the journey itself and how we handle uncertainty, stress, and feeling overwhelmed. It takes human connection, Godly connection, and courage.
Read MoreActs hints at the uncertainty and fear the disciples felt after Jesus ascends to Heaven - what now? The world still looks the same and bad things still happen. It’s like the new Obi-Wan Kenobi series where we see him tired, afraid, and alone after the Empire has wiped out the Jedi and the light seems to be gone. We may feel that way, too. Surrounded by a world where sin seems to be overwhelming, staring up at the sky too, wondering where God is in all of this. The answer is found in our joint compassion and action.
Read MoreNeedlecrafters completed a special project of Easter eggs to go to relief efforts for Ukrainian refugees in Poland.
Read MoreThe women of Holy Trinity enjoyed our weekend retreat April 22-24 at the A. Felix DuPont Memorial House in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
Read MoreA couple generous contributors donated an excellent meal from Smoking Kow BBQ to The Lamb Center that was nourishment for hungry bodies and a treat that made hurting people feel loved.
Read MoreThis Lent we have been hearing a different story than the one we have known, a lot of hard truth about the White-centered narrative that we don’t even realized shapes our views and our actions. In our Lent of Liberation devotional, conversations and sermons, we’ve wrestled with the past and present injustices perpetrated against black Americans. This sermon takes a look at German theologian and pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who gained a new perspective through the eyes of a black church and experience in Nazi Germany.
Read More"Race has been an issue for me in my life in all kinds of ways, and I have a perspective on what it’s like to be black in our country and what it’s like to be white…"
Read MoreWhite supremacy isn’t just those people who belong to the KKK, or say racial slurs, or outright say and believe that white people are superior… White supremacy is the centering of white people: our stories, our feelings, our perspectives, our well-being, our image, they all are the norm, the center, the measure. If Jesus is on the margins, and white supremacy creates and perpetuates the margins, then white supremacy separates me not only from my neighbor, but also from God.
Read MoreOn February 29th, Pastor Mike preached from a new Word in the World sermon location. This time, he was at Fort Reno Park, the highest natural point in the District of Columbia but a place of past wrongs toward the black community. It represents a time of reflection and recalibration of the way we think about history, both in the world around us and within ourselves, as we enter into the Lenten season and ask God to help direct us to think and be better.
Read MoreIn mid-December, the staff at Graham Road Elementary School reached out to Holy Trinity with a request to sponsor 12 children for Christmas, and Holy Trinity delivered a special Christmas surprise.
Read MoreTake a New Year’s style inventory about your paths and destinations of faith. Think about the paths you have walked to bring you closer to God, to find Jesus in the world, and to deepen your faith experience here on earth over the past year. The sculpture “Homeless Jesus “ by Canadian sculpture Timothy Schmultz reminds us to view our neighbors differently, ourselves differently, and our lives differently as we journey onward.
Read MoreMay our Advent journey together this season and our life together as a church equip us to act towards others with hope and in the spirit of joy, peace and love. May we trust and find comfort that God is with us on this journey and in this difficult season. May we gather in hope, knowing that pain and suffering and fear are not the end of the story. Though the way is rough, God is close and our home in God is real.
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